Tájékoztatjuk Tisztelt Ügyfeleinket, hogy a Kormány az 1312/2016 (VI.13.) Korm. határozatával döntött arról, hogy a Közigazgatási és Elektronikus Közszolgáltatások Központi Hivatala (KEKKH) jogutódlással 2016. december 31 - ével megszűnt. Ezúton szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmét arra, hogy jelen weblap archív honlapként működik, tartalma nem frissül. Kérjük, hogy az aktuális információért keresse fel az illetékes jogutódok által működtetett honlapokat (nyilvantarto.hu, web-lak.hu, kormanyhivatal.hu). Okmányügyeiket változatlanul, személyesen a kormányablakokban (Részletes információ: https://kormanyablak.hu/hu) és az okmányirodákban, interneten a „Webes Ügysegéd” segítségével intézhetik, valamint ügyintézéssel kapcsolatos általános tájékoztatással 0-24 órában a 1818-as telefonszámon elérhető Kormányzati Ügyfélvonal áll a rendelkezésükre.
General information on the Hungarian new e-passport

Under the EU Council Regulation of 13 December 2004 on standards for security features and biometrics in passports and travel documents issued by Member States, from 29 August 2006 the Member States are required to issue passports containing digital facial image of the holder as biometric identifier. In addition from 28th June 2009 for applicants over 12 years old for more than 1 year validity can be issued only new e-passports,  which contain their digital fingerprints as well.

According to the above Regulation, since 28th August 2006 Hungary has been issuing new type passports meeting all requirements concerning the format and the security features of travel documents specified by the pertaining EU regulations. The new passports (further referred as: e-passports) are supplied with a chip containing the biometric information of the holder

Differences between e-passports and those issued prior to the above date and being currently in circulation are detailed below:

The back cover of the e-passport contains a chip capable of storing biometric features of the holder of the document. Since 29th August 2006 the chip has stored data from biodata page of the e-passport including the digital facial image of the holder. According to the above Regulation, since 28th June 2009 the chip additionally has contained the digital fingerprints of the applicants over 12 years old.

The colour of the cover of the e-passport has changed from blue to burgundy red. Furthermore the words „Európai Unió” and the international e-passport symbol is featured on the front cover. Additionally the most important terms used in the e-passport are shown in every official language of the EU.

The above changes concern only those e-passports, which had been issued after 28th June 2009. Previously issued passports remain valid until their date of expiry.