If you are looking for your relatives, friends you have not seen for a long time, acquaintances, fellows just to get in contact with them (without any legal aspects) i.e. you only want to talk with them again, or you wish to hear from them, you can choose between two types of service as follows:
- our office searches for the person indicated by you, and asks for his/her written agreement to make his/her name and address information available to you (requiring written consent)
- our office notifies the person to contact you directly by the given address or phone number, if he/she wants to make contact with you (notification, message delivery).
- individuals
- legal entities and entities without legal personality
Where to apply ?
You can submit your application for making contact to
- the competent district office of applicant’s address of domicile or
- the competent district office of the concerned person’s last known address of domicile and
- our Office
by mail to the following address: Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services
H-1476 Budapest, Pf. 281.
in person at the Customer Service Centre:
Budapest, XIII. kerület Visegrádi utca 110-112
by fax to +36-1-443-5761
- the applicant can send his/her application directly from abroad or through the Hungarian foreign mission accredited to the country of the applicant’s residence.
The application can be submitted
- in person or by proxy, by making a record of application presented in words.
- in written form
- by mail or
- by fax, unless an authorized representative will act
Necessary documents
The application must contain the following information:
- the applicant’s personal data (surname and forename, address, registered office, branch, other details: phone number)
- the natural personal identification data suitable for identification of the person concerned :
- surname and forename
- place and date of birth
- mother’s maiden name
- surname and forename
- the full address of the person concerned (settlement, public domain, number of the house) known by the applicant
- the applicant’s declaration on requiring either
- a written consent, or
- notification, message delivery
If you apply for notification or message delivery, please draw up your message to be forwarded in a couple of sentences stating your contact details as well (address, phone number, e-mail).
Warning! The register of personal data and address of citizens does not include familial relationships, so we can search for the person concerned (and thus obtaining a written consent) only in case the applicant communicates in his/her application also at least one of the natural personal identification data of the person concerned in addition to his/her name.
If the application is submitted by the applicant’s proxy the following documents must be attached:
- proxy’s original authorization letter or
- its attested copy
The authorization must be related to either the entire administrative procedure or certain actions thereof.
The authorization issued abroad must be put in an official or attested private document and must be recertified as well.
Pursuant to the Hungarian legislation the official document issued abroad or private document attested by a foreign court, an administrative body, a notary public or other person conferred upon authenticity, has probative value only in that case if the document is recertified/supplied with diplomatic verification review by the Hungarian foreign mission accredited to the issuing country, unless otherwise prescribed by other relating legislation, international agreement or practical reciprocity.
The official document issued in non-Hungarian can be accepted with its attested Hungarian translation unless otherwise prescribed by the legislation.
Administration costs
Making Individual contact (for 100 or less citizens)
An administrative service fee must be paid for following the procedure of making individual contact
- in case of making contact concerning from 1 up to 5 persons’ data the administrative service fee is
HUF 3500
- in case of making contact concerning more than 5 persons’ data the amount of the administration service fee shall be equal to the product (of multiplication) of the concerned persons’ number and the rate,
Rate of the administration service fee is HUF 730 per item
The administrative service fee must be paid even if
- the person concerned does not respond to the call of contact making purposes of the authority, does not contribute to the data provision, does not accept the notification sent by mail to him/her, or the notification had been returned to the competent authority after completion of the mail service with the remark “has not been searched”,
- despite of the call of the authority the completed service had not been accepted by the applicant
In case of applications submitted from abroad or through the Hungarian foreign missions accredited to the country of the applicant’s residence the administration service fee must be paid as a consular fee at the competent Hungarian foreign mission.
Administration procedure time
The administration procedure time is 21 days which may be extended only on justified grounds once for a maximum of 21 days before its expiry.
Electronic administration
There is no way to apply electronically for this procedure.
Information to download
There is no available form to this procedure.