Tájékoztatjuk Tisztelt Ügyfeleinket, hogy a Kormány az 1312/2016 (VI.13.) Korm. határozatával döntött arról, hogy a Közigazgatási és Elektronikus Közszolgáltatások Központi Hivatala (KEKKH) jogutódlással 2016. december 31 - ével megszűnt. Ezúton szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmét arra, hogy jelen weblap archív honlapként működik, tartalma nem frissül. Kérjük, hogy az aktuális információért keresse fel az illetékes jogutódok által működtetett honlapokat (nyilvantarto.hu, web-lak.hu, kormanyhivatal.hu). Okmányügyeiket változatlanul, személyesen a kormányablakokban (Részletes információ: https://kormanyablak.hu/hu) és az okmányirodákban, interneten a „Webes Ügysegéd” segítségével intézhetik, valamint ügyintézéssel kapcsolatos általános tájékoztatással 0-24 órában a 1818-as telefonszámon elérhető Kormányzati Ügyfélvonal áll a rendelkezésükre.
Second Generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) goes live
12 April 2013
On 9 April 2013 in the Member States of Schengen Area – including Hungary - second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) has entered into operation. The European Union Agency (eu-LISA) in Strasbourg will take over responsibility for the day-to-day running of the central system and the operation of Schengen States’ national systems will be carried out by member states themselves. In Hungary, the task will be coordinated by the Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services (KEK KH) as N.SIS Office.

9 April 2013; With the abolition of internal border checks, SIS II continues to play a crucial role in facilitating the free movement of people within the Schengen area. SIS II is the second generation of the Schengen Information System in operation since 1995 and has enhanced functionalities, such as the possibility of entering biometrics data (fingerprints and photographs), new alert categories (stolen aircraft, boats, containers, means of payment), or the possibility of linking different alerts (such as an alert on a person and a vehicle). SIS II will also contain copies of European Arrest Warrants (EAW) attached directly to alerts for persons wanted for arrest, surrender or extradition, making it easier and quicker for the competent authorities to trace individuals and assets as necessary.

SIS II ensures strong data protection. Access to SIS II is limited to the national border control, police, customs, judicial, visa and vehicle registration authorities. Everyone has the right to access data that is related to them and entered in the SIS II and can also request the competent national authority to correct or delete their personal information.

Everyone can also take action before a court to access, correct, delete or obtain information or to obtain compensation in connection with an alert relating to them. The National Supervisory Authorities and the European Data Protection Supervisor shall cooperate actively and ensure a coordinated supervision of SIS II.

In Hungary, the Police, the National Tax and Customs Administration, Office of Immigration and Nationality, the Foreign Representations of Hungary, the Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services, the district (capital district) offices, courts and public prosecutors have access to SIS II.

Several legality assurances of data management related to individuals have been developed as well. If someone wants to obtain information whether his/her data are included in SIS II can turn to any government offices, police headquarters or Hungarian foreign mission submitting a duly filled in form. The legality of data management will be checked by the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information.

The necessary preparation for the Hungarian introduction of the SIS II system was carried out with the support of a professional team led by the Ministry of Interior. The Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services also has participated in this team.

We appreciate the understanding and patience of citizens due to closing document offices for one day, meanwhile the specific administration databases successfully have entered into operation.