Tájékoztatjuk Tisztelt Ügyfeleinket, hogy a Kormány az 1312/2016 (VI.13.) Korm. határozatával döntött arról, hogy a Közigazgatási és Elektronikus Közszolgáltatások Központi Hivatala (KEKKH) jogutódlással 2016. december 31 - ével megszűnt. Ezúton szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmét arra, hogy jelen weblap archív honlapként működik, tartalma nem frissül. Kérjük, hogy az aktuális információért keresse fel az illetékes jogutódok által működtetett honlapokat (nyilvantarto.hu, web-lak.hu, kormanyhivatal.hu). Okmányügyeiket változatlanul, személyesen a kormányablakokban (Részletes információ: https://kormanyablak.hu/hu) és az okmányirodákban, interneten a „Webes Ügysegéd” segítségével intézhetik, valamint ügyintézéssel kapcsolatos általános tájékoztatással 0-24 órában a 1818-as telefonszámon elérhető Kormányzati Ügyfélvonal áll a rendelkezésükre.
08 May 2013
According to the relevant Bill an authentic register will be established, which will result in faster and more convenient administration.
12 April 2013
On 9 April 2013 in the Member States of Schengen Area – including Hungary - second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) has entered into operation. The European Union Agency (eu-LISA) in Strasbourg will take over responsibility for the day-to-day running of the central system and the operation of Schengen States’ national systems will be carried out by member states themselves. In Hungary, the task will be coordinated by the Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services (KEK KH) as N.SIS Office.
07 February 2013
According to the new rules new type of driving licences have been issued in Hungary as well. The age limit of certain driving licence categories will be increased as well. The age limit for category "C" (lorries) will be 21 years instead of current 18 years of age, in case of category "D" (buses, minibuses with light trailers) 24 years of age instead of 21 year. The unlimited category "A" can be obtained from 24 years of age instead of 21 years. If the driver has at least 2 years-old licence for driving "A2" sub-category she/he can obtain the licence for category "A" from the age of 21 year.
05 February 2013
A comprehensive, simple and secure customer identification system is being established by the Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services (KEKKH) and the National Infocommunication Services Co. Ltd. (NISZ). The new identification system to be carried out within the framework of "Full-scale customer identification project" will result not only simplification and rationalization, but the possibility of remote administration as well.
07 January 2013
CSCA certificates and all revocation lists of travel documents manufactured from 2006 till now and inspected at border crossing had been uploaded. Thereafter the experts of ICAO centre confirmed the uploading of data files in written form as well and expressed their pleasure about the fact, that Hungary has entered into the last stage of live connection by uploading these data as 18th member state (out of 191 member states). The NPKD (National Public Key Directory) connection to the central data directory of the ICAO PKD can be realized by the end of 2012 resulting a significant progress and meeting the international aviation safety and travel document inspection requirements.
02 January 2013
The document administering/administration procedure will be simpler, shorter and more comfortable.
12 December 2012
We inform our customers that opening hours in the Central Document Office (Budapest, XIII. kerület, Visegrádi utca 110-112) change in December as follows:
19 October 2012
We inform our customers that the Central Document Office (Budapest XIII. kerület, Visegrádi utca 110 – 112) will be closed on 22 and 23 October 2012.
19 October 2012
A joint delegation of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice (KIM) and Central Office for Administrative and Public Services (KEKKH) travelled to Portugal within the framework of the signed Memorandum of Understanding on modernization of the public administration with the purpose to continue the exchange of experiences started by the visit of the Portuguese delegation.
16 October 2012
The role of call center administration will be expanded so the Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services is going to carry out significant developments. The goal is to create a Contact Center based Phone Customer Service System that is available in 24 hours every day of the year.
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