Tájékoztatjuk Tisztelt Ügyfeleinket, hogy a Kormány az 1312/2016 (VI.13.) Korm. határozatával döntött arról, hogy a Közigazgatási és Elektronikus Közszolgáltatások Központi Hivatala (KEKKH) jogutódlással 2016. december 31 - ével megszűnt. Ezúton szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmét arra, hogy jelen weblap archív honlapként működik, tartalma nem frissül. Kérjük, hogy az aktuális információért keresse fel az illetékes jogutódok által működtetett honlapokat (nyilvantarto.hu, web-lak.hu, kormanyhivatal.hu). Okmányügyeiket változatlanul, személyesen a kormányablakokban (Részletes információ: https://kormanyablak.hu/hu) és az okmányirodákban, interneten a „Webes Ügysegéd” segítségével intézhetik, valamint ügyintézéssel kapcsolatos általános tájékoztatással 0-24 órában a 1818-as telefonszámon elérhető Kormányzati Ügyfélvonal áll a rendelkezésükre.
14 November 2011
A three-member delegation of COAEPS travelled to Moldova in order to share further experiences and to improve the cooperation started earlier by the visit of the Moldavian party to Budapest through getting acquainted with the Moldovan registration system.
26 October 2011
On October 13, 2011 a delegation of 3 persons from the United Kingdom, Nicholas Apps, Nigel Szymanski and David Crispin visited our Central Office in the framework of the ECRIS Support Programme.
26 Octtober 2011
We call our customers’ attention that on 1 January 2012 nearly half a million users’ customer gate login passwords expire. Please check the customer gate password expiration date and, if due, extend it in order to use the customer gate as usual.
24 October 2011

The Administrator and CIO of the Office of E-Government and IT, Steven L. VanRoekel invited Hungary to share professional experiences.

3 October 2011

The validity of the customer gate passwords expired on October 1 has been extended by the Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services (COAEPS) to the end of the year.

8 September 2011

In the Customer Service Centre operated by the Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services (COAEPS) a priority service is ensured for license plates applications of those customers, who, from 1 September due to road traffic control may be fined using unauthorized foreign license plates.

22 August 2011

According to the directive of 55/2011. (VIII. 4.) Mr. Ivan Vetési, President of the COAEPS had been appointed to Minsterial Commissionar by the Minister of Public Administration and Justice.

13 July 2011

To all European Union member countries, as well as to Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, the Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Andorra the Hungarian citizens are permitted to enter with a valid identity card as well.

30 June 2011
On 29 June 2011 the Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services organised User’s Forum for its outstanding customers, with participation of more than 80 leaders from 38 organizations.
20 May 2011
From next week the Hungarian foreign representations having the highest clientele receive applications initiated by the Hungarian citizens residing abroad, for issuance of passports containing fingerprints and within a few weeks the service will be available at all foreign representations.
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